Ron Van Peursem Expands Mea Solutions In Asia And Develops Blog For Expats

Submitted by: Ron VanPeursem

Mea Solutions is a company dedicated to helping their clients expand their online visibility and increase traffic to their websites, products and services. Bill Webster, the CEO of Mea Solutions, says, “We’re here to serve our client companies. Whether it’s Search Engine Optimization, web design, content creation and management, or any other service that they’re looking for, we tailor our services to meet the needs of our clients. We work hard in the background, in order to move them into the forefront.”

Ron VanPeursem, the Director of New Business Development in Asia, has helped Mea Solutions broaden their pool of resources by opening the Content Development Center in North India. Mr. VanPeursem’s team of excellent Content Writers is doing a fantastic job in serving the marketing needs of Mea Solutions’ client companies. VanPeursem says, “We have completed a successful period of Content Development Training, and are now positioned well for our expansion into Mobile Marketing, and the unique Content Writing tasks associated with that important area of business. Adding this area of service to our already strong array of marketing services keeps us in a good place for offering excellent solutions to our clients.” Learn more by visiting


Ron VanPeursem has also launched a useful and practical blogsite for expats called “Culture Happens”. This is a website designed for expats who are living and working away from home. Culture Happens deals with cross cultural communication, expat adjustment, diversity training, family challenges in expat contexts, doing business abroad, developing cross-cultural friendships locally, and other topics that readers send in to the site. The blog has only been public since April of 2011, but it is already generating some good traffic and receiving positive feedback. Ron VanPeursem was recently interviewed by the website “Pocket Cultures” about the challenge of becoming “Cultural Insiders”, providing practical insights and advice to readers about the important quality of a “Learner’s Attitude” as the key ingredient in making a successful transition into a new cultural context.

Here’s a short section from VanPeursem’s Culture Happens About page, “If you’re not interested in becoming a real part of your new community – your new world – then you’ll want to stay away from this blog. It will only irritate you. But for the rest of you – the ones who would like to become cultural insiders – we’re offering you a resource here. You need some help, some encouragement, some instruction… and you KNOW it! Visit to read articles posted there.

VanPeursem’s international business involvement with Mea Solutions, and especially his current role as Director of New Business Development in Asia, have equipped him in a unique way to offer the Culture Happens website to the global, expat community. His 20 years of experience working and living in multicultural contexts, and his current position in Asia continue to provide fresh stories for readers.

For more about Ron VanPeursem, you can visit Culture Happens ( or go to his Twitter page at And for more information about Mea Solutions, just visit

About the Author: Ron VanPeursem is Director of New Business Development for Mea Solutions in Asia, and author of “Culture Happens” a blog for expats living and working away from home, and interested in building better connections in their new world (



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Tips For Saving Money On Your Air Conditioning In Phoenix Az

byAlma Abell

If you’re like most homeowners, you could stand to lower your energy bill. Many homeowners are paying between $3,500-$5,000 a year towards their energy costs, and most of this is caused by the heating and cooling systems. Being that summer time is here, it would be best to try a few tricks to keep your costs down. Let’s take a look at a few simple solutions that’ll help save you money. You can get more info at.

Before you call a service for Air Conditioning Phoenix AZ to see what they have available, and have them deliver an ultra-large AC unit, consider why your home is absorbing so much heat. When the sun shines onto your roof, and into your windows, it causes heat to accumulate inside of the home. An effective solution would be to plant a few leafy trees around the exterior. The trees can intercept the sun and cast a shadow on your home instead.

Again, heat can accumulate inside of your home when features like skylights and windows are open. When it comes to windows, sometimes drawing the curtains isn’t enough. Instead, consider installing solar screens on your windows. Roughly 70 percent of the solar energy that enters through your windows can be stopped by these screens. If you don’t prefer screens, you can have window film installed instead. The film works to reflect the heat and prevent it from transmitting into the home.

When it comes to the Air Conditioning Phoenix AZ has available, some people simply use it too much. You could cut down your costs quite a bit by simply adjusting the thermostat. For instance, when you’re at home, try setting the thermostat to about 77 or 78 degrees Fahrenheit. However, when you’re not at home, or when the sun is down, consider raising the temperature a little higher. According to some experts you can save as much as 20 percent on your energy bill by doing this.

Use these cost cutting tips in order to help keep a little extra money in your pocket. Remember to focus on protecting your house from the sun as much as possible. Use trees, plants, screens, or window film to prevent heat from accumulating. If you’d like to have your unit serviced, you can call Arizona Refrigeration Service Inc of Phoenix AZ for assistance.

There Is No Substitute For Hard Work}

Submitted by: Debra Bartz

I’ve met a fair number of successful, self-made people in my life. They all work in different industries, and came from different backgrounds and walks of life. The one thing they all have in common? They all work hard. And they all work a LOT.

In my opinion success has always been about doing work. The old ‘right place, right time’ is what jealous people say about successful people – I know this because I’m guilty of using this excuse in the past.

Yes, many successful people did catch an awesome ‘once in a life time’ break at one point in their lives, but when that opportunity came about, they were ready, because they were working, and once they said ‘yes’ to that opportunity, they worked even harder.

The same goes for the people I know who have built incredible bodies.

They used different workout routines and different diets, but each and every one of them were ‘nose-to-the-grindstone, get-it-done’ kind of people. Yes, some had great genetics to start, some used steroids, but all of them, ALL of them did work, And lots of it.

Despite what the latest ‘make money quick’, or ‘get jacked’ fads may promise, there is simply no substitute for hard work. And this is where I would like to draw the analogy between business success and building muscle. It is similar to the analogy between body fat and debt.

Basically, the same principles that create successful entrepreneurs also create people who are successful at changing their bodies.


The first Principle – Successful people do work.

Successful people work hard. Yes, we can argue quality over quantity, and doing the ‘right type’ of work, but all things being equal, more work is generally better than less. And yes, I know the trend right now in business and weight training is to talk about doing less work, but let’s face it – it takes a lot of hard work to get to the point where you can preach to people about doing less work.

The true visionaries, people like Elon Musk and Richard Branson – they are committed to consistently out-working their competitors. They do more work, more of the ‘right kind of work’ and more ‘quality work’. They do more everything. But they also try and do ‘less’ work. The trick is that they have a very unique way of doing ‘less work’ – I would say they redefine what ‘work’ means.

You have to make work fun, if you can do that it’s ceases to fell like work, it just becomes what you do, simply because you feel fulfilled and satisfied doing it. Most successful people don’t work for an hour then take 4 days off. They don’t work a little bit. They never stop working, because they enjoy it.

But, it’s not work to them in the classic sense since they are doing something they love, and they are careful to also enjoy life. As much as you may hate to hear it, the same goes for building a great body. It takes a commitment to doing work and a lot of it. You’ll always see marketing claims about the people who supposedly built great bodies on 20 minutes of exercise once a week, because quick results with minimal work will always be an attractive sales pitch. but as a general rule, great bodies take work. So to be able to consistently do a lot of work, it must be something you love doing.

Which brings me to the Second Principle – You must love what you do if you’re going to be successful

Stop looking at what other people are doing. Stop cheating off someone else’s paper and write your own paper.

If you’re going to commit to doing a lot of work, it has to be something you love. I have a friend who makes a living owning a fight-wear company, and another who makes a living as a trader. They’re both successful because they’re working hard at something they love to do. I doubt they’d have the same success if they switched jobs. The same principle works for building your body.

If you love lifting weights then lift weights. If you love Kettlebells then swing your bells. If you love CrossFit then do CrossFit, who cares what other people are doing, or what they think of what you are doing… Other people aren’t creating your success, you are.

It has to be enjoyable for you, if it’s a chore, you’re not going to do it, or at least you’re not going to do it as well as you could. So find the workout that is right for you right now, then work hard, push yourself and enjoy it.

Principle Three – Know how you are doing (Feedback and metrics)

What is your end goal? You need to know this. Is it to make money, or to have as many Twitter followers as possible? If your goal is to make money, then you should measure your success by how much money you are making, if it’s something else, then measure success based on whatever it is you truly want, but to be successful you MUST HAVE SOME MEASURE OF SUCCESS.

The same goes for workouts. Is your goal to have a great body? If so then measure your workout success based on your measurements. If your goal is to be strong then measure your workouts based on how strong you are getting… but measure something, and most importantly make sure what you are measuring is a good indicator of whether or not you are moving towards your true goal.

Successful people do a lot of work, but they do it with direction. After all, if you don’t have direction then how do you know whether or not you are progressing? Work is only valuable if it comes with some sort of feedback.

You can sum up these three principles as “Do work, make sure you love what you do and don’t forget to measure your progress.” There are lots of other principles you could add to this statement, ideas like being a self-motivator, dreaming big and taking pride in your work, but for the most part, these all come after you commit to doing work.

There is no substitute for hard work. It’s the secret ingredient to most people’s success – and it’s what will help you in business, building a better body and in life. Don’t be afraid to do work.

Finally, remember – anything worth doing is worth doing well.

About the Author: Debra A. Bartz, M.S., AADP Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Certified Master Transformational Life Coach and Hormone Trained Specialist. Transforming lives from nutritionally deprived into a body bursting with energy and believing that there is a purpose for each one of us to make a difference in our lives and others. Transform your stressed, tired and worn out body parts to those of a twenty year old. Please go to

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