Canada’s Insurance Brokers Association, What Are The Benefits Of Joining

By A.Noton

Belonging to Canada’s Insurance Brokers Association provides many benefits. But do these outweigh the time and cost of belonging to this organization? Because we are dealing with a business decision we must make our arguments for, or against, based on the business benefits it does, or does not provide. This short article will look into some of the benefits of belonging to this august organization, focusing especially on the education and training available to members.

We will divide this article in two main sections. Our first section will focus on the education programs available, while our second will highlight the improved service an Insurance Brokers Association member can offer. We hope this article can help you make a decision that will benefit you and your professional advancement in the insurance industry.

One of the satisfactions of being part of any industry as a professional is the opportunity of growth. True professionals never stop learning, and are constantly trying to better themselves through training and education. If you take on this challenge of continually improving yourself you can expect this constant learning and improving of your skills will allow you to take on higher levels of responsibility. What these higher levels of responsibility are will depend on your goals, ambitions and personal qualities, however you will not be short of options.


In order to provide their members with the best service possible the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada has created a Career Path that will allow you a lifetime of learning and training. This will make your career more interesting and vibrant, as well as making you a better professional.

There are nine main programs currently available to members. We will highlight some of them, although you are encouraged to do further research and find more information on all nine programs. The first step for a budding insurance broker is to carry out a Best Practices program. This program is designed to enhance the performance of members by comparing the broker operations of the 150 top performing companies in the U. S and Canada. This helps brokers identify the type of strategies that work in the insurance industry.

A great second step is to earn your CCIB, Canadian Certified Insurance Broker, designation. This qualification proves to customers you are prepared to offer a superior standard of excellence. These qualification do not only make you a better broker but also a more successful one financially speaking as customers prefer brokers that inspire confidence with an acclaimed qualification.

IRM, Introduction to Risk Management is another great program if you are interested in improving your professional skills. This program will provide you with a basic understanding of what risk management is all about, and how risk managers do their job. This is important for insurance brokers as their whole industry relies on the accurate management of risk.

If you take on one or all of the programs available through the Canadian Insurance Brokers Association and take advantage of the many tools they put at members disposal you will become a more professional and successful broker.

About the Author: Full service brokerage offers corporate and personal insurance solutions. When looking for the best protection and information on Car insurance, Home Insurance in Whitby, Health Insurance, Life Insurance options, there is Insurance Brokers in Oshawa


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