All About Freelance Journalism Jobs

By Brian Scott

Breaking into journalism isn’t easy. Besides polished creative writing skills, you need self-motivation and willing to accept your share of low-paying gigs. Don’t expect more than $35 an article for smaller daily newspapers. Bigger-city newspapers will pay around $200 an article for good stories.

Most full-time reporters received training at journalism schools, after they’d already earned a 4-year undergraduate degree. If you lack the education, you can still get your foot in the door by becoming a stringer (the industry term for “freelance reporter”). Many publications use stringers because they lack reporters to cover all the news at once; besides, newspapers want writers to hone their skills before they’re hired full-time, or because they like the fresh perspectives of a good freelancer.

What’s involved in freelance journalism?

This is the exciting part: as a freelance journalist, you get to chase the news as it’s happening. For many, this thrill is enough to keep them going through the drudgery and low pay.

You’ll need to keep your wits about you. If news is happening right in front of you, you must have the presence of mind to take accurate notes and come up with questions for on-the-spot interviews. Freelance journalism is all about recreating the story on paper so readers can relive the experience you had.

Where do I find freelance journalism jobs?

Before you approach any newspapers, you should have a portfolio of articles under your belt. Five to ten sample articles is the minimum. If you don’t have published samples of your work, you’ll need to do some freelance stringing for free to get started.

Hunt around for some newsworthy events – an upcoming concert, a celebrity coming to town, an impending election, etc. Then, write about it and submit your article to as many free publications as you can think of. You’ll want to make sure your article is relevant to what a given magazine or newspaper publishes, of course, but be as prolific as possible.


When you have samples under your belt, make the pitch. Email the publication, or send them a query letter. Tell the editor you have some good ideas and you’re available for freelance writing.

Alternatively, you might call the publication and let them know you’re a freelance writer and you’re wondering if they use stringers. Be brief, confident, and professional. If they do use stringers, they may ask you to come in for an interview.

How do I ace the interview?

Bring along your portfolio, a list of well thought-out ideas specifically for that publication, and a sample article that you’ve written for them. All of these will help the editor decide whether you’re a good fit for their newspaper.

Some editors want their stringers to use their own ideas and some editors have ideas of their own. Be flexible. A good portfolio will show editors that you can handle a various subject matters.

As in all interviews, be relaxed and confident. Acting nervous and stammering over your words doesn’t make a good impression. Before the interview, imagine the interview going perfectly. This technique helps calm your nerves and sets the stage for a positive interview experience.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you want to write for your city newspaper. How would you craft your query letter?

It might go like this:

Dear (editor),

The content of your newspaper is unsurpassable. As a loyal reader and enthusiastic writer, I would be honored to contribute to The Daily News.

Our city is full of excitement this season. Here are some of the story ideas I have that would appeal to your readership:

– How do the new pet bylaws affect downtown pet owners?

– Support our agriculture: homegrown food for your family

– The upcoming art show is attracting art lovers from all over North America

– How neighborhoods are improving road safety for pedestrians

– New schools and playgrounds encourage families to move inner city

These are just a few suggestions, and of course I am open to any ideas you have. As an experienced freelance writer, I have covered a wide variety of topics. I hope you will find the enclosed clips to be compelling and well written.

Show the editor that your writing style and journalistic abilities are in line with what they’re looking for, and include your relevant experience. If you have a good query letter and they need stringers, expect a phone call!

About the Author: Brian Scott is a full-time freelance writer with over a decade of experience. He finds many of his paid freelance journalism jobs at Online Writing Jobs ( ), a free jobboard that lets you search thousands of freelance writing jobs.


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Wikinews interviews U.S. Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney

Friday, March 7, 2008

Wikinews held an exclusive interview with Cynthia McKinney, one of the candidates for the Green Party nomination for the 2008 U.S. presidential election.

McKinney is a former Democratic Congresswoman from Georgia. She was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1992 and held her seat for ten years until being defeated by Denise Majette in 2002. She was the first ever African American woman from her state to be elected to Congress.

We asked her why she made the recent switch to the Green Party. She replied, “Due to the importance of environmental issues, Green issues are the issues of today. The Ten Key Values ofthe Green Party stress us getting along with each other in harmony with the planet that gives us life.”

When asked about how she would handle Iraq she replied, “I would instruct the Joint Chiefs to draw up a plan for the orderly withdrawal of all U.S. troops from the country. I would dismantle our military bases in the area, and I would also demand that U.S. andother international corporations relinquish any claims to Iraqi oil orother resources and withdraw as well.”

McKinney is running for president because, basically, she thinks that “it’s time that the people win”.

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Australian Federal Police say Wikileaks committed no crime

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has stated that the whistle-blowing website known as WikiLeaks has committed no crimes in Australia by publishing over 250,000 United States diplomatic cables. An investigation by the AFP into the release of the cables revealed that Wikileaks had not broken any laws under Australian jurisdiction.

“[The AFP has] not identified any criminal offences where Australia has jurisdiction and as a result have not commenced an investigation,” said Robert McClelland, attorney-general of Australia in a statement to the press. “As has previously been stated, given the documents published to date are classified by the United States, the primary jurisdiction for any investigation into the matter remains the United States.”

The investigation into Wikileaks actions came after the Australian Government referred the release of U.S. diplomatic cables to the AFP. McClelland stated that the Government’s reaction to the WikiLeaks issue was “prudent.” Further cables that the Government queries the legality of would also be forwarded to the AFP as well. He also added that the government remains “concerned” about the situation and “unauthorised and irresponsible distribution of classified material.”

Controversy had also been raised today after Julia Gillard changed her stance on the release of the cables from calling the action “illegal,” to calling it “grossly irresponsible,” after the AFP had released their findings. Ms Gillard said at a press-conference in Sydney today that she did not intend to say that the release of the cables was illegal, but that their theft was. Deputy leader of the opposition (Liberal Party) Julie Bishop said there was no room for Ms Gillard to “weasel out of it.”

“She is a lawyer. She well knows about the presumption of innocence,” said Bishop. She added that the prime minister’s legal background did not warrant her comments. Calls have also been voiced by the Green’s Senator, Scott Ludlam, for Ms Gillard to retract her comments.

Wikileaks has been the subject of past investigations in Australia. In March of 2009, the proposed Australian Communications and Media Authority internet blacklist was leaked to the website. That matter was also referred to the AFP, who later abandoned pursuing criminal charges.

“It’s my understanding from the AFP that they considered the prospects of success under their guidelines, but it wasn’t sufficient to get a prosecution,” said Chairman Chris Chapman during a Senate Estimates Committee meeting in February.

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The Benefits Of Dog Grooming In Crofton


In Florida, dog owners have immediate access to a variety of beneficial services through a local vet. Among the services are grooming opportunities to address a multitude of conditions that could prove unhealthy for the dogs. The following are the benefits of dog grooming in Crofton.

Addressing Skin Irritants and Conditions


The groomers can address skin irritants and adverse conditions. Their products provide them with medications to address flaking and itchy skin. The vet will need to diagnose the condition to determine the best treatment option. However, the grooming can provide products that ease discomfort and pain. The products can address skin conditions that can lead to cracking and bleeding as well.

Pest Infestations Elimination

The grooming services can also eliminate pests. Dogs are at a higher risk of contracting Lyme disease from ticks. For this reason, pet owners who have discovered ticks on their dogs should acquire grooming services on a regular basis. The services can lower the dog’s chances of contracting the disease. Shampoos provided by groomers can also lower the chances of further tick infestations as well. The shampoos also fight off fleas and other unwanted pests.

Eliminating Dirt and Odors

The services eliminate dirt and odors from the dog’s coat. The shampoo and conditioner can also eliminate pet dandruff and make the dog feel cleaner. The products also control odors and make dogs smell fresh. This is beneficial for all dog owners as it prevents harsh odors from becoming trapped in their carpeting and furnishings.

Improving the Coat

The grooming services can improve the dog’s coat as well. The groomer selects from a variety of products that control matting and keep their fur tangle-free. This can prevent conditions that lead to discomfort and unhealthy circumstances for the dogs and pet owners.

In Florida, dog owners can acquire grooming services for their dogs at any time. The services address a variety of conditions that could become uncomfortable for dogs. They include but are not limited to skin irritation, pests, and unwanted odors. Pet owners who want to acquire dog grooming in Crofton can visit for information about scheduling the services.

UK PM’s speechwriter awaits sentence

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

An English lawyer has pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice. He faked a legal judgment and sent it to a father who was pleading in Taunton family court to be able to remain involved in his child’s upbringing. The lawyer, London barrister Bruce Hyman, now awaits his sentence. The judge indicated that he could receive a prison sentence. Bruce Hyman is well-known in media circles, having produced The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy on BBC Radio. He also produced a series with Clive Anderson, at Above the Title Productions, called Unreliable Evidence.

The father, a former City financier, had attended a series of court hearings in order to make suitable arrangements to see his child following an acrimonious divorce. Shortly before one of these hearings he received an email, ostensibly from a self-help group to which he belonged, which had attached a Court of Appeal case that appeared favourable to an application he had made for the judge to stand down from the case. The father, who was representing himself, duly showed the case to the judge. At this point, Bruce Hyman, the lawyer representing the former wife, claimed to the judge that the case was a forgery, which indeed it turned out to be.

After confirming that the self-help group had not sent him the email, the father then embarked on some detective work his own. The fraudulent email was traced via its header to a dial-up internet connection and a phone number belonging to a shop in London. The shop was able to recover CCTV footage which showed a man sending the email from an Apple laptop. The man turned out to be Bruce Hyman.

Sentencing of Hyman is due in Bristol Crown Court on the 19th of September.

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Live grenade thrown at George Bush in Georgia

Wednesday, May 18, 2005File:Bush Embassy photo.jpg

On May 10 while visiting Georgia’s capital Tbilisi a live hand grenade landed within 100 feet of United States President George W. Bush.

The grenade was wrapped in a dark plaid cloth handkerchief. According to Brian Paarmann, the FBI’s legal attache at the U.S. Embassy in Tbilisi, it was “tossed in the general direction of the main stage” about 1:30 p.m., right after Bush began speaking, and landed less than 100 feet from the podium. The grenade reportedly bounced off a child’s cap and then was removed by a Georgian security officer.

The White House initially stated that the president was in no real danger, however the event has lead to a review of security measures at presidential events.

An FBI official at the U.S. embassy in Georgia confirms that an explosive device was thrown, but due to a malfunction it failed to detonate. “This hand grenade appears to be a live device that simply failed to function due to a light strike on the blasting cap induced by a slow deployment of the spoon activation device,” the FBI stated.

The FBI is still investigating the incident. According to their report the device failed to explode because of a malfunction. “The activation device deployed too slowly to hit the blasting cap hard enough,” agent Bryan Paarmann said. A 20,000 laris (US$10,978) reward is offered for information leading to the arrest of the person responsible.

The grenade was a knock-off of a Soviet-designed RGD-5, which has a lethal range of about 100 feet. “We consider this act to be a threat against the health and welfare of both the president of the United States and the president of Georgia as well as the multitude of Georgian people that had turned out at this event,” Paarmann said. It had initially been believed to be a non-explosive model used for military training.

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The Pros And Cons Of Getting Your Mba Online

Submitted by: Trevor Marshall

Times today, most people would like to earn more than what theyre getting. Its only practical that they do. Some of them resort to sideline work to earn a little bit of extra. But there are others who decide to pursue a master of business administration or MBA degree.

There are a lot of opinions circulating on this matter. Some feel that once they have an MBA written on their curriculum vitae, it could bag them a better or higher paying job. While some feel that experience, not just education, is the key. These are the ones who prefer to have years in the workplace, rather than spend it in an academic institution.

So why not get the most out of both worlds right? Some enroll online for their MBA and they do this while they are working. Thats because they dont actually intend to transfer jobs. They just want to continue earning while they are pursuing an education that could provide a secure and more financially stable future.

Applying for an online MBA is also suggested to parents who stay at home most of the time to take care of the children and to manage the house. If you think about it, pursuing an MBA online is quite beneficial to the individual because he gets to do more without sacrificing much.

Come to think of it, MBAs are beneficial for those who have been employed for more than 3 to 4 years. There is truth to the belief that having experienced the working atmosphere, the employee knows better on the subject and not just those that are taught on paper.


Those who pursue MBA right after college are sometimes encouraged. But then realistically speaking, it is better if they do go out there in the real world first before they enroll themselves in another university.

When making a major decision in life such as pursuing an MBA online or not, its better to make a pros and cons list. We have provided you with such:


1. It will help you in staying competitive. An MBA gives the student an edge. If an employer is looking for someone to work under him, naturally he prefers someone who has an MBA. Another edge of applying online for an MBA helps you to gain experience in the work place and still learn more about businesses, marketing and other fiscal transactions in your free time. Thus, you are not in the losing end when you apply for a position you both have the education and the experience.

2. It doesnt matter if you pursued it online or not. Statistics show that those who have MBA degrees have high-paying positions in management. It also shows that they are getting higher salaries.

3. Obviously, pursuing an online degree, the advantage is that the student can be located anywhere in the world and that wouldnt be a problem whatsoever. The student interacts with the faculty through email. His schedule is under his own control. As long as he passes the requirements, then there wouldnt be any problem.


1. Online or not, pursuing an MBA is expensive. The irony is that those who usually go for MBA are people who need additional income. The reason why they need additional income is that they have a family to support. IF they would really want to sign up for a class, even if its online, they would have to really ponder on the matter whether they can shell out that much cash. How much would they gain from this investment?

2. Because there is no monitoring, the student tends to be lax when it comes to submitting papers and needed requirements. If there is no self-discipline, then this will not work.

3. As convenient as getting MBA online is to this modern world, there are still some successful and high-paying companies who prefer the traditional classroom set-up. That is something the student must also bear in mind.

If the person is determined to pursue an online MBA degree then he has to carefully look into the universities who offer the best and trusted accredited quality education. The University of Phoenix is one.

In the end, its always the persons choice. Also, thatever decision he comes up with, there would always be pros and cons, but then again, how can you gain something when you are not willing to invest?

About the Author: For more great MBA related articles and resources check out


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2008 COMPUTEX Taipei: Three awards, One target

Monday, June 23, 2008

2008 COMPUTEX Taipei, the largest trade fair since its inception in 1982, featured several seminars and forums, expansions on show spaces to TWTC Nangang, great transformations for theme pavilions, and WiMAX Taipei Expo, mainly promoted by Taipei Computer Association (TCA). Besides of ICT industry, “design” progressively became the critical factor for the future of the other industries. To promote innovative “Made In Taiwan” products, pavilions from “Best Choice of COMPUTEX”, “Taiwan Excellence Awards”, and newly-set “Design and Innovation (d & i) Award of COMPUTEX”, demonstrated the power of Taiwan’s designs in 2008 COMPUTEX Taipei.

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Official death toll from Nigerian refugee camp airstrike passes 100

Thursday, January 26, 2017

On Monday Nigerian authorities raised the official death toll from January 17’s airstrike upon a refugee camp to 236, though the BBC on Tuesday reported an official told them this was an error and the actual figure was 115. The military said at the time a jet mistook refugees for rebels.

There are no words to describe the chaos […] I saw the bodies of children that had been cut in two.

The new toll updates previous estimates, which at the time of the incident were of at least 50 dead. The BBC on Tuesday reported an official told them the figure of 236 was erroneously reached by combining the numbers of dead and wounded. The camp in Rann, Borno State is home to thousands and lies near the northeastern border with Cameroon.

Home to those displaced by Boko Haram insurgents, the camp is in an area suffering famine. Farmers are unable to work owing to bombs on their land. The Red Cross was there to distribute food when the attack happened. Twenty Nigerian Red Cross workers were injured or killed. Médecins Sans Frontières are treating the majority of the wounded in makeshift tents in Rann, which lacks hospital facilities. A small number have been evacuated to Maiduguri.

Military officials said at the time the Air Force had been dispatched to Rann after reports of “remnants” of Boko Haram in the area. The military claims it is in a “final push” against the rebel group. A promised investigation has materialised in the form of a panel of Air Force officials, with orders to complete the probe by the end of next week.

Human Rights Watch have called for compensation for victims. They say the military is not absolved of liability and suggest the camp’s tents were obvious. Eyewitnesses say the aircraft circled twice, dropping multiple bombs, which appears corroborated by satellite imagery. President Muhammadu Buhari called it a “regrettable operational mistake” and has since departed for a holiday in London.

Journalists are barred from the military-controlled camp. Officials claim all the dead in Rann have been buried, and two more died in hospital in Maiduguri. Most of those killed were women and children. Soldiers were also amongst those killed. Eyewitnesses claim two days after the disaster in excess of 100 Boko Haram militants attacked the camp, fighting with soldiers for hours.

MSF field co-ordinator Alfred Davies said, “There are no words to describe the chaos[…] I saw the bodies of children that had been cut in two.” MSF have called for “a transparent account” with the organisation’s general director complaining refugees “were bombed by those who were meant to safeguard them”. Some humanitarian groups have suggested the incident constitutes a war crime even as an accident, and Human Rights Watch is urging an independent probe. They say 35 structures were destroyed at two separate locations within the camp.

“We saw dozens of patients with multiple traumatic injuries, including open fractures and wounds to the abdomen and chest,” said MSF doctor Mohammed Musoke. He described wounded children, including a crying baby with shrapnel in its neck and “a 10-year-old boy with a large, deep flesh wound to his thigh. The flesh was hanging loose on one side and you could see through to the bone.”

Survivor Baba, 37, a refugee, said military aircraft were not an uncommon sight but the attacking jet behaved abnormally. “The plane flew back and forth, and we knew something was wrong before the bombing happened.” His remarks were released by MSF.

Prior to the attacks camp residents had been starving, some dying from malnutrition. War and substandard infrastructure left Rann isolated, and the attack came as the Red Cross were about to distribute food they had just arrived with. The Red Cross say they have five weeks’ worth of food.

The International NGO Safety Organisation claims 2016 saw in excess of 90 aid workers killed worldwide, with 154 injured.

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Bangladesh security tightened following Pilkhana massacre and Bashundhara City fire

Friday, March 20, 2009

Following the Pilkhana massacre which occurred February 25 and 26 leaving 74 dead and the inferno at the Bashundhara City shopping mall complex March 13 leaving seven dead, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said security measures are being tightened countrywide across Bangladesh.

Fire drills will be enacted at all key-point installations (KPI). Fire fighting systems will be examined by the fire brigade and the public works department (PWD) to ensure functionality. Security measures will be enhanced supplementing areas under private security such as at the Bashundhara City Complex.

The Fire Service and Civil Defence Department requires modernization and needs new equipment to fight fires past the sixth floor of buildings. The Fire Brigade says it needs turntable ladders, snorkels, foam-tenders, lighting units, emergency tenders, fireproof uniforms, and rescue ropes for fire fighting and rescue operations. Transportation to fires is also an issue due to narrow roads, low electrical wires and congestion.

The Bangladesh National Building Code requires fire fighting equipment installed in buildings over seven floors. This code is to be monitored by authorities to ensure compliance with the new guidelines and to make sure buildings are being maintained.

The Bashundhara City Complex opened Monday for shoppers two days after Friday’s blaze. A probe is underway to determine the cause of the fire and to assess structural damage.

Loss of life was minimized as the blaze broke out on a Friday, the beginning of the weekend in Bangladesh, so offices in the upper floors were empty. The lower eight floors are used for shopping and the upper floors are all Bashundhara Group offices.

The mall is valued at Tk 7.0 billion (US$100 million). It is not known if the complex is covered by fire insurance.

It is estimated that it will take over two years to rebuild the area damaged by flames which were burned down to a skeleton. Bashundhara City’s technical advisor, Latifur Rahman, estimated damages at Tk 2.0 billion (US$29m).

Only one television cameraman has been allowed in to film the burnt area. None of the 2,500 shops, cinemas or cafes were burnt by the inferno. The seventh and eighth floors still experience smoke damage, and there was water damage to merchandise.

A three member committee is currently investigating the cause of the fire which will consist of Iqbal Khan Chowdhury, joint secretary of the ministry, representatives of the police, IGP Noor Muhammad, and fire brigade, Director General Abu Nayeem Md Shahidullah. The committee is required to report within the week with their findings. The forensics department is also sifting through the burnt remains.

The Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industries has also formed a committee which has begun interviewing witnesses and recording their testimony alongside the government committee.

It has been discovered that 150 closed circuit cameras were not being used when the fire started. Another mystery is why the mall fire fighting system has been found unused.

Why the fire burnt so fiercely is a matter to think….These matters seem to be mysterious

“In the shopping mall there is an ultra-technology elevator which runs even without electricity but we have found that locked,” Iqbal Khan Chowdhury, joint secretary (Police) of the home ministry, said. “Why the fire burnt so fiercely is a matter to think. We have to see if there was any incendiary substance there. These matters seem to be mysterious.”

Mall management has been asked to submit substances and items which would have been in the upper floors when the fire started. The fire erupted on the 17th floor and spread quickly to the two floors above and engulfed the three floors below. The aerial ladders belonging to the Fire Service and Civil Defence reached as high as the 13th floor of the 21-storey building.

Videos have been sent to the United States (US) for examination to assist in determining the cause of the fire and to help in the damage assessment. Experts from the US are expected to arrive soon.

Firefighters were brought to the rooftop of the 20-storey tower by helicopter. The only fatality in this operation was Baki Billa, a firefighter of Bashundhara City firefighting department, who fell when climbing down a rope from a helicopter to the roof of the building. Three other firefighters made the transition safely. At this same time, the chief security officer was safely rescued by the Bangladesh Air Force helicopter, a Bell 212. Six security officers of the complex also lost their lives.

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