In pictures: Japan earthquake and tsunami

Friday, March 18, 2011

A week ago today, at 2:46 pm JST, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck off the coast of the T?hoku region in Japan. The earthquake created an extremely destructive tsunami that spawned 10 metre (33 ft) high waves just moments later. The tsunami travelled 10 km (6 mi) inland causing massive destruction in the country’s northeast, including crippling a nuclear plant.

The earthquake and resulting tsunami have left 5,692 dead and over 9,506 missing, with nearly 450,000 homeless. The death toll is expected to rise.

In this special photoessay, Wikinews looks at the earthquake and tsunami, the destruction that resulted and efforts to bring aid to the Japanese people.

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A Japanese home is seen adrift in the Pacific Ocean. Image: U.S. Navy.

The antenna on top of Tokyo Tower was slightly bent by the earthquake. Image: Morio.

Items were knocked off shelves at a store in Narashino, Chiba after the earthquake. Image: mikuaxe.
Soil liquefaction on a road in Koto, Tokyo. Image: Morio.
An explosion occurs at the Cosmo Oil refinery in Ichihara, Chiba. Image: Cranky5.
View of a fire in Odaiba following the earthquake. Image: Hikosaemon.
Crowds of workers evacuated from Tokyo skyscrapers walk home after the earthquake in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Image: Hikosaemon.
A long line of cars stretches down Itsukaichi Street in Tokyo on March 11. Due to disruption of train service because of the earthquake and tsunami, people are trying to find alternate means of getting home. Image: Kellykaneshiro.
Stranded passengers congregate at the Kei? line concourse of Shinjuku Station in Tokyo as public transportation in northern Japan is interrupted following the earthquake and tsunami. Image: ?????.
Stranded passengers evacuate from a Tokyo train. Image: ?????.
Calculated wave height of the tsunami, from a NOAA computer model. Image: NOAA.
This false-color satellite picture from NASA’s MODIS satellite shows the area of Sendai on March 13 (top) and February 26 (bottom) shows how far inland the area near Sendai was flooded by tsunami. A bright orange-red spot near the city of Sendai is the thermal signature from a fire. Image: NASA.
An aerial view of the port of Sendai on March 12. Image: U.S. Navy.
A solemn desk chair lies in a layer of mud and petroleum that now covers much of the U.S. FISC Yokosuka Defense Fuel Support Point Hachinohe facility following the tsunami. Image: DVIDSHUB.
The city of Ofunato, Japan, was severely damaged by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami. Image: U.S. Navy.
A trail of debris is seen floating in Pacific Ocean. The debris was inspected by a helicopter-based search and rescue team from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan. Image: U.S. Navy.
An up-close aerial view of debris floating in the Pacific. The debris was inspected by a helicopter-based search and rescue team from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan. Image: U.S. Navy.
A Japanese barge is seen adrift in the Pacific Ocean. Image: U.S. Navy.
An upended house is among the debris in Ofunato, Japan. Image: U.S. Navy.
Members of the Fairfax County, Virginia Urban Fire and Rescue Team head into downtown Ofunato to search for survivors following the earthquake and tsunami. Teams from the United States, United Kingdom and China are on scene to assist in searching for missing residents. Image: DVIDSHUB.
A mother and daughter look at a family photo amid the wreckage of their home. Image: U.S. Navy.
A damaged water pipe shoots into the air after the tsunami.Image: U.S. Navy.
A tug boat among the debris in Ofunato.Image: U.S. Navy.
A Mickey Mouse doll lies among debris in Ofunato.Image: U.S. Navy.
Vehicles and debris line a canal in the downtown area of Ofunato.Image: U.S. Navy.
A large sail boat rests against a building in Ofunato. Image: U.S. Navy.
An aerial view of tsunami damage in an area north of Sendai, Japan, taken from a U.S. Navy helicopter. Image: U.S. Navy.
Empty instant noodle shelves in a supermarket in Tokyo due to stock being bought out on March 16, 2011, 5 days after the earthquake. Image: Kellykaneshiro.
Residents wait in a line outside a convenience store to purchase groceries and supplies on March 13, two days after the earthquake and tsunami. Image: Hitomi.
A blackout in Narashino, Chiba on March 15. Image: mikuaxe.
U.S. Navy sailors transfer humanitarian supplies from an aircraft carrier to a helicopter. Image: U.S. Navy.
Japanese citizens receive supplies from the crew of a U.S. Navy helicopter. Image: U.S. Navy.
A closed petrol station in Tokyo on March 16. Image: LERK.
Entrance of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin after the earthquake and tsunami and subsequent accidents at the Fukushima Daichi power plant on March 15. Image: Jochen Jansen.
Russian people take flowers to the embassy of Japan in Moscow after the 2011 earthquake. Image: Elmor.
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Manhein Fha Loan

Manhein FHA loan


Manu Goel

It’s amazing how many different ways there are to get a home mortgage. Various mortgage offers cater to the needs of various people. You just need to look around and explore a bit and you can land with a really good mortgage offer (you could use a website by searching google that can quickly get you the best mortgage offers for your requirements and qualifications). So, FHA (Federal house administration) loans are well known and could be an option for your Manhein home (as an example). Let’s see what that `FHA loan for your Manhein home’ means.First of all, FHA doesn’t actually lend money to you. Ya, the term `FHA Loan’ does make you think like FHA are just another mortgage lender. But that is not the case. FHA (Federal house administration) is a government agency that insures mortgages. There are other mortgage insurers too, but insuring your home mortgage loan through FHA can get you a really good deal in terms of the mortgage down payment that your are required to make e.g. with FHA mortgage insurance, you might have to pay as little as 2.5% (or even lesser) as a down payment. That means you can get 97.5% of purchase price amount financed through a mortgage lender. Wonderful, isn’t it? However, FHA may charge you around 2-2.5% mortgage insurance premium upfront. This amount too can be part of the mortgage, if you so wish (and the mortgage lender agrees to it). You would of course be paying your annual mortgage insurance premium as well. But overall, FHA loans or FHA mortgage insurance is surely a good way of reducing the down payment requirement. You might consider it for your Manhein mortgage.


Manu Goel site, The website helps in filling-out the application forms for US green cards and helps in ensuring that the forms are complete in all respects.

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Manhein FHA loan

NASA spacecraft enters Mars orbit

Sunday, March 12, 2006

A NASA spacecraft set to probe Mars reached orbit around the planet on Friday, joining five others currently active. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter‘s two-year mission is expected to gather more information about Mars than all 12 previous successful missions put together.

The MRO’s tasks will include scouting for possible future landing sites, analyzing the planet’s atmosphere, monitoring its weather, and searching for locations where there may have been water in the distant past. The US$450 million spacecraft is the most advanced probe so far sent to Mars, and can radio back 10 times more data to Earth than any previous probe. Cameras on the MRO can see objects on the planet the size of a card table.

After its seven-month journey toward the planet, reaching orbit was a critical step. Several previous probes have failed due to the difficulty of the precise timing needed to keep the spacecraft from being pulled in by the planet’s gravity. Twenty-one of the thirty-three previous probes have failed for some reason to complete their missions.

Project manager Jim Graf, who described himself as “relieved” at the “picture perfect” completion of this step, expects the results to “rewrite the science textbooks on Mars.” The next step is for the craft to begin “aerobraking” to slow down and change its orbit from elliptical to circular.

The total cost of the mission, including the spacecraft, launch, and support team, is US$720 million.

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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Family Coalition Party candidate Suzanne Fortin, Nepean-Carleton

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Suzanne Fortin is running for the Family Coalition Party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Nepean-Carleton riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed her regarding her values, her experience, and her campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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Scotland denies bail to terminally ill man convicted of Lockerbie bombing

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Scotland has refused bail to the Libyan man convicted of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 despite his terminal cancer, as he can receive treatment in prison. Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al-Megrahi was jailed in 2001 for the 1988 bombing of the transatlantic airliner, killing 270 people, but is seeking to have his conviction overturned.

Minutes after Edinburgh’s Appeals Court rejected bail on compassionate grounds Jim Swire, spokesman for the victim’s families who lost his daughter in the disaster, complained about the ruling. “It has never been a goal of our group to seek revenge,” said a lawyer outside the court reading from his statement. “The refusal of a return to his family for a dying man whose verdict is not even yet secure looks uncomfortably like either an aspect of revenge — or perhaps timidity.”

Al-Megrahi, a former intelligence officer, is 54 and serving a minimum of 27 years for the bombing. He has advanced prostate cancer which is spreading through his body. His request for bail was rejected by Lord Hamilton, Scotland’s head judge, who said that as doctors say he could live a few more years he should not be released unless and until after his appeal succeeds or his condition worsens.

Should Megrahi have been released?
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Some other doctors give his time as just months, as the cancer has reached his bones. Hamilton however said that palliative hormone treatment could prolong his life. Hamilton also said Al-Megrahi was not suffering “material pain or disability”.

The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission ruled last year that the conviction may be a miscarriage of justice. It said there was significant doubts to be raised over several key pieces of evidence in the original trial.

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Preparation For The Reception Of A Newborn Baby

Submitted by: Christopher Hales

Preparing for the arrival of a baby into your home may either be joyous or stressful. Newborn babies require attention of the highest standard. Proper planning is essential when preparing for their arrival. This is because it reduces the eleventh hour hassles of trying to complete everything at once. You can start purchasing the baby’s items during the early stages of pregnancy. This may take you a couple of months to accomplish. Before you embark on buying these items, you must know what you’ll need for a newborn baby. Familiarising yourself with all the baby’s needs enables you budget well.

The following is a list of items that should be in place for the arrival of the newborn baby.

Bottles and Breast Pumps

Bottles are items that should not be missed in your list of a newborn baby’s items. Ensure you buy enough of them. Feeding bottles are available in many forms. Remember to check on the ones that are collapsible, have disposable bottle liners, and keep the nipple filled with liquid. They should not allow air to flow into them. Breast pumps will help store milk whenever you are away from your baby.



It is always advisable to have your small baby sleep beside you in your bedroom. A bassinet is a perfect item for this situation. Ensure that you have the blankets that are warmer and softer than ordinary ones so as to keep your baby warm. The bedding for the bassinet should be fitting into it and also easily removable.

Nappies and Nappy Bag

Make sure you purchase nappies that fit the baby well. Having a good number of them will be to your advantage. The market offers nappies that are reusable and disposable. You can combine them both or decide on one type. The nappy bag will be used to store the nappies and other essentials.


Clothing comprises of a variety of items that help to keep your child warm, comfortable and clean. These are things like the bibs, socks, t-shirts, hats, vests, baby suits, snow coats, scratch mittens and booties.

Baby Soaps, Sterilizers, Baby Powders and Baby Lotions

Baby soaps, sterilisers, baby powders and baby lotions are what you have to buy before your baby arrives. The sterilisers have to be in your list for they are used in cleaning the baby’s items. Baby powder is necessary in avoiding rashes. On the other hand, baby lotions help in maintaining soft skin of the baby.

Stroller, Nightlight, Car Seat And Rocking Chai

Strollers are mostly used in carrying babies in public places, especially during strolling. A nightlight helps in attending to the baby at night in cases of power outages. A rocking chair is useful when it comes to feeding the baby and also rocking the baby to sleep.

Hair Brush, Nail Clippers, Lullaby Music and Thermomete

The hair brush and clippers help in grooming the baby. The thermometer helps in checking the baby’s temperature while lullaby music helps in soothing the baby, especially when you want it to sleep.

About the Author: Chris Hales is a web based Marketer based in the UK. He is the owner of Xzact Digital Limited which is a holding company for businesses within the digital marketplace including Xzact Digital Marketing.Babydeco are an online store offering a wide range of baby furniture sets,

and essentials with a growing online community showcasing a number of nursery decorating ideas, allowing members to share their own experiences or view those of others and buy similar items at the click of a button. They also offer great products such as the Fisher Price Jumperoo and the Lindam Door Bouncer as well as a huge selection of newborn gifts.


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Vancouver will run out of office space in 5 years

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

In Vancouver, a 20-year urban success story may yet have a sad ending. The city’s downtown population has doubled to 80,000 in the last 20 years thanks to Vancouver’s “Living First” policy – a planning strategy that favors residential development over commercial. And planners are expecting the population to reach more than 120,000 by 2030. But while downtown booms with people, business is busting. The International Herald Tribune reports that the city’s recently-released jobs and land-use study is estimating that downtown Vancouver may run out of commercial and office space within 5 years.

The ‘Vancouver problem’ is one that many cities in the United States could only hope to have. On the contrary, much effort has been put into bringing residential life back into the city centres. In Los Angeles, San Diego, Miami, and Washington, D.C. there has been a condominium boom in recent years, but these cities are far from the situation Vancouver faces now.

To counter the trend in Vancouver, planners are proposing changes to the city’s zoning regulations, including the passage of more lenient building height restrictions. But because residential developments are so much more profitable than commercial and office space, some public officials are proposing offering better incentives to the developers willing to build commercial. Another option is to expand the moratorium that was placed on new housing development in the central business district two years ago.

Translink is currently involved in a major expansion of the 49.5 km (30.8 mi) Skytrain system centred on downtown Vancouver. Construction of the Canada and Evergreen lines is underway. The former will be complete in 2009, and the latter in 2011.

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Manchester City loans Joe Hart to Torino

Saturday, September 3, 2016

On Wednesday, English football club Manchester City F.C. announced that they had loaned their goalkeeper Joe Hart to Italian club Torino F.C. till the season end.

Hart joined City from Shrewsbury Town F.C. in 2006. Since then, he has won four Premier League Golden Gloves for keeping most clean sheets in a season, which is a League record. In a decade at the Etihad Stadium, Hart has won two Premier League trophies, two Football League Cups and one FA Cup.

Hart debuted for England at the age of 21, and has represented the country at UEFA Euro 2012 and 2016 and FIFA World Cup 2014.

Signing the contract, Hart said, “I am very excited to compare myself in an important and beautiful League such as Serie A.” ((it))Italian language: ?Sono molto felice di potermi confrontare in un campionato bello e difficile come la Serie A.

Goalkeeper Joe Hart’s move away from Manchester City came about a week after Pep Guardiola signed Chilean goalkeeper Claudio Bravo from FC Barcelona.

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Alaska GOP calls for Begich resignation for Senate revote

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Republican Party of Alaska is requesting United States Senator Mark Begich, Democrat, to resign to pave way for a new election. This request is based on the U.S. Justice Department withdrawing charges against former Senator Ted Stevens.

Stevens was originally convicted in October just before the November election. He lost the election to Begich by a narrow margin. Given that the U.S. Justice Department has dropped charges that had affected the outcome of the election, they may have re-elected Steven if it was done before the election.

According to Party Chairman Randy Ruedrich, Begich won over Stevens only because “a few thousand Alaskans thought that Senator Stevens was guilty of seven felonies.” Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, through her SarahPAC spokeswoman, agreed.

Begich indicated that he would not step down as he felt that Alaskans wanted a change and a senator that is “independent as Alaska.”

“Today, with our country in a severe recession, it’s more important than ever that we have a senator focused on fixing our economy so Alaskans have the jobs they need to support their families,” Begich also stated.

The other U.S. Senator from Alaska, Republican Lisa Murkowski, stated “In light of the good news yesterday, I am sure many of us wish we could turn the clock back to last November. Unfortunately, that is not an option.”

The US Department of Justice has asked for corruption charges against former Senator Ted Stevens to be dropped because evidence was withheld from the defense team by the original prosecutors. The Justice Department has stated that it will not retry Stevens.

In a statement, US Attorney General Eric Holder said, “After careful review, I have concluded that certain information should have been provided to the defense for use at trial. In light of this conclusion, and in consideration of the totality of the circumstances of this particular case, I have determined that it is in the interest of justice to dismiss the indictment and not proceed with a new trial.”

In light of the good news yesterday, I am sure many of us wish we could turn the clock back to last November. Unfortunately, that is not an option.

Stevens was convicted in October on seven felony counts of lying on senate disclosure forms about gifts, largely in the form of free renovations to his home, received from an oil service company; his conviction is thought to have been a large factor in his November electoral defeat to former Anchorage mayor Mark Begich, the current junior Senator from Alaska. Stevens immediately appealed his conviction and has maintained his innocence.

Stevens, 85, spent the six weeks leading up to the election on trial in Washington and lost just days after being convicted.

Begich’s victory was a coup for Democrats in Alaska. It also was a victory for Democrats in the Senate, who, with Begich’s win, landed 58 of the 60 votes they need to have a filibuster-proof majority.

Begich received 151,767 votes (47.77%) to Stevens’ 147,814 (46.52%). The winning margin was 3,953 votes (1.24%). Three other candidates were in the race: Bob Bird of the Alaskan Independence Party (13,197; 4.15%), Ted Gianoutsos (independent) (1,385; 0.44%) and Fredrick D. Haas of the Libertarian Party (2483 0.78%)

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Affordable Quality Residential Security Systems

byAlma Abell

Security is a hot topic these days. All home-owners want to ensure that their families and belongings are adequately protected. This is why the Residential Security industry has blossomed and is offering a variety of products and services. If you are contemplating adding security features to your home or upgrading your current system, you should consult with security professionals who can explain the products available to secure your home and property. Going to a “big-box” store and spending your money on a “one-size-fits-all” security system is not the optimal way to provide the safety that your family deserves.


When you put your home security in the hands of experienced, trained professionals they will do a free comprehensive security analysis of your home and property in order to create a customized package of security options that can offer maximum protection and fit within your budget. Whether you decide to use door and window sensors in conjunction with a basic keypad system or utilize a custom-designed system of video surveillance, you will rest easier, knowing that even if you have to be away from home, it will be safe.

A key element when you are adding a Residential Security system to your home is the selection of the team you trust to provide you with quality products and professional installations. Look for a company that has worked hard over a period of time to build and maintain their reputation. A group that offers a comprehensive selection of security systems indicates that they will be able to find just the right combination of products to provide adequate safety and security for your needs. This should include heat and smoke sensors since intruders aren’t the only threat to a home’s safety. A company that handles top name brand security equipment like Honeywell or First Alert Professional products can be invaluable.

When you are ready to add security to your home, the professionals at B-Safe Securityand Alarms will be standing by to help you with a free quote following a complimentary security analysis of your property. They’ve been providing our community with quality, end to end security solutions since 1978 and can work with you install security options which include wireless home security systems like wireless burglar alarms, a variety of home security alarm systems, access control systems, and more. Let them show you what they can do to secure your home and property.

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