Understanding The R&Amp;D Tax Credits Relief In Uk

Submitted by: Steve. A Shaw

In 2011, many workers in UK were startled by the sweeping changes in their research and development or R&D tax credits system as announced by the chancellor. The changes were overwhelming in that it offered more encouragement to businessmen to invest in a research and product design company.

Essentially, the amends in the R&D tax credits increased the tax break of any company dedicated to research and development. This means that such enterprises are given the privilege to claim up to 200% relief from the usual corporation tax they pay for projects. Simply put, the companies no longer need to pay the tax from the cost of their programs. Rather, they would be given an extra 100% discount on corporation tax discount.

Additionally, the R&D tax credits that caused companies to lose significant funds are given payable credits that can reach as much as 24% of the total cost of the project. This program is offered by the government of UK to encourage major boost among starting corporations.

Undoubtedly, this system is enticing for many entrepreneurs. However, one cannot simply plunge in making investments for a ground-breaking research. It is imperative to get as much information as possible. It is, after all, pointless to spend thousands of pounds on R&D projects that do not bear qualifications for the government’s relief.


What is R&D tax credit system?

Research and development is defined as the quest to contribute an innovative product, services, and procedures. It is also referred to as providing of input that can enhance the understanding and knowledge of the general public. As such, the R&D tax credits can only be enjoyed by companies who can present the relevance of their project and tout the benefits that come with it.

The government of UK also requires the companies to provide evidences that their research is associated to what the company does. For example, manufacturers of cleaning products should stick to innovating new home hygiene formulas for them to enjoy R&D tax credits. If they commit the mistake of introducing kitchen tools, they are less likely to earn the favour of the government on their R&D application.

Can all companies apply for R&D tax credits?

Unfortunately, no. It is important to note that the industries that qualify for the privilege is limited. The credits are primarily rewarded to companies who are valid contributors and affiliated to the science and technology sector. These would include manufacturing companies, gadget corporations and engineering firms. Businesses pegged on social services don’t usually enjoy the relief.

Another qualification is focused on the originality of the research. The project should veer away from duplication, with the findings obtained from a scientific process. Random discoveries or those from trial and error will not be credited by the government.

How can companies apply for R&D tax credits?

The rule mandates all companies to include their claims for relief in their tax returns. Small-scale corporations are recommended to place a tick in box 99 in the form of application that points to the size of the company. Write the total expenditure of the business in the box 101 – this reflects that total cost of money spent on an R&D project.

Usually, the claim can be made within two years after the accounting period of the corporation tax ended. This should be written in the profit and loss box of the form.

About the Author: For more information on tax credits, visit

R&D Tax Credits

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Wikinews interviews 2020 Melbourne Lord Mayor Candidate Wayne Tseng

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

2020 Melbourne Lord Mayor candidate Wayne Tseng answered some questions about his campaign for the upcoming election from Wikinews. The Lord Mayor election in the Australian city is scheduled to take place this week.

Tseng runs a firm called eTranslate, which helps software developers to make the software available to the users. In the candidate’s questionnaire, Tseng said eTranslate had led to him working with all three tiers of the government. He previously belonged to the Australian Liberal Party, but has left since then, to run for mayorship as an independent candidate.

Tseng is of Chinese descent, having moved to Australia with his parents from Vietnam. Graduated in Brisbane, Tseng received his PhD in Melbourne and has been living in the city, he told Wikinews. Tseng also formed Chinese Precinct Chamber of Commerce, an organisation responsible for many “community bond building initiatives”, the Lord Mayor candidate told Wikinews.

Tseng discussed his plans for leading Melbourne, recovering from COVID-19, and “Democracy 2.0” to ensure concerns of minorities in the city were also heard. Tseng also focused on the importance of the multi-culture aspect and talked about making Melbourne the capital of the aboriginals. Tseng also explained why he thinks Melbourne is poised to be a world city by 2030.

Tseng’s deputy Lord Mayor candidate Gricol Yang is a Commercial Banker and works for ANZ Banking Group.

Currently, Sally Capp is the Lord Mayor of Melbourne, the Victorian capital. Capp was elected as an interim Lord Mayor in mid-2018 after the former Lord Mayor Robert Doyle resigned from his position after sexual assault allegations. Doyle served as the Lord Mayor of Melbourne for almost a decade since 2008.

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Residents of Leeds, England neighbourhood plagued with crime ask council for help

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Residents of a Leeds, England neighbourhood have requested help from a council because their neighbourhood is plagued by crime, overcrowding, and community tensions.

Leeds City Council received a request for help from residents of Hyde Park, who said they were worried about the increasing level of anti-social behavior and worsening community relations. A report will be unveiled on Wednesday by a council delegation, highlighting the problems in the area. “The people living in Hyde Park come from widely different population groups… these groups have very different customs, needs and living styles and this can provoke high levels of tension in the area,” the delegation said.

The council claims that because of the 28 per cent ethnic minority population and the 40,000 students living in the neighbourhood, there are tensions between residents. They added, however, that they are actively encouraging people to work together, citing a multi-faith forum, a cricket competition and activities which bring old and young together.

The report says that the council are trying to build relationships between Muslims and police, something which they said is “particularly important after the area’s connection to the London bombings on 7th July 2005.” A local newspaper reported that “the Shebab project introduces young Muslims to role models from sport and culture and also runs scholars’ talks to counter extremist ideologies.”

Crime has increased by 7% in the past year in Hyde Park, and residents noted that anti-social behaviour was getting worse. The council said that an anti-burglary task force had helped to reduce the number of thefts from homes. Residents complained that there was a lack of pride in the area, and at the end of the academic year in the summer, large piles of rubbish were left in streets, yards and alleyways. The report adds that the council operates a recycling scheme aimed towards teenagers, and that rubbish collections have increased.

[We are] slightly frustrated with certain communication issues that we’ve had with the council

The Guardian reported on Wednesday that campaigners are attempting to “take control of a derelict school building and transform it into a community hub are appealing for sponsors and partners in a bid to turn their dreams into reality.” They say that the unused building, owned by the council, could be used for meetings and events. A volunteer group of residents have been working on a business plan, and have gained support from local businesses to create “a vision of an open, accessible and valuable resource for all.”

A member of the commitee, however, said he was “frustrated” with the council’s attitude towards the plans. “The RPCC is slightly frustrated with certain communication issues that we’ve had with the council, but we’re working with them and hoping to gain further assistance going forward,” he said. “It’s a shame that certain setbacks could have been avoided.”

The deputation added that “a major factor in Hyde Park’s suffering is its high level of population density”, which they conceded is something they are unable to change. The council responded to complaints that streets are “cheap and unhealthy takeaways, letting agents and boarded-up shop fronts,” by saying that Hyde Park Corner and Headingley are, according to the Yorkshire Post, “thriving shopping areas and work had taken place to ensure a good mix of outlets.”

The report concludes: “The council acknowledges that because of the very particular circumstances which exist in the neighbourhood, Hyde Park faces difficult challenges which affect the quality of life of residents and that ‘normal’ service levels may not be sufficient to tackle some of these. The council will do more to enable local people to influence how services work and how local problems are tackled. Local community and voluntary groups will be invited to play an active role.”

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Rapper Proof (D12) shot and killed outside Detroit nightclub

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Rapper Proof, born Deshaun Holton, was shot and killed on April 11, 2006, at approximately 4:30 a.m. EDT (0830 UTC) at the Triple C Club on 8 Mile Road in Detroit.

Proof was known for his work together with his good friend Eminem and his group D12.

Another man was shot shortly afterward, and was taken to St. John Hospital.

On April 12, 2006, Mario Etheridge, 28, of Detroit turned himself in to the police, having been named by several witnesses. Mario was allegedly a bouncer at the club. “Police said he is a cousin of Keith Bender Jr., the bouncer who was allegedly shot by Proof during the fight.” The fight that started inside the club was reported to be over a pool game. The argument was taken outside where, “A shot was fired in the air, Proof allegedly pistol-whipped Bender, knocked him to the ground and then shot him. Etheridge then allegedly opened fire on the rapper, striking him four times in the head and chest. One week later, Keith Bender Jr. died of his injuries on April 18, 2006.

Official Police reports are yet to determine the series of events which left Proof and Keith Bender, 35, deceased. Bender died 8 days later on April 18, 2006. Following Proof’s death, rapper Snoop Dogg called on fellow musicians to unite, describing the incident as “a loss to the hip-hop community”.

The tributes were led by fellow rapper The Game who was first to comment on the tragedy. The Game remembers how he and Proof became ‘real cool and real homies’ and that ‘Proof will always be remembered and I as well as the Black Wall Street family will keep his memory & his family in our prayers 1’. The second to comment on Proof was long time friend Royce da 5’9″ who was deeply saddened by the death of his good friend. Royce had been a friend of Proof for over 9 years and the two had recently reconciled. Royce echoed the music community, saying ‘He is such loss for the hip hop community…I hope that he will be remembered for the talented artist and great person that he was, and not the tragedy that he fell victim to’.

Eminem was the third to discuss Proof’s death days after his passing, clearly affected by the tragedy. Eminem described Proof as “funny, smart and charming” and said that he would be sorely missed and described him as “the heart and ambassador of Detroit hip-hop”. Eminem said that Proof was, and always will be, his best friend.

Tributes poured out of the UK with Vm2k6 leading the remembrance. Proof’s demise which was mainly overlooked by the UK media was documented and reflected by VM2k6 in which he calls Proof ‘fresh, talented and meaningful, a rarity in Hip Hop today’. He continues saying that Proof had ‘the greatest ability to transfer his experiences and most of all feelings into words’ and finished with the heartfelt line- ‘I guess its only in Death you really begin to shine’.

Several fan videos were released in tribute to Proof, including the hit “Good Die Young” music video which used D12’s 2004 single, which is currently one of the highest discussed and viewed videos on YouTube.com. Many other “slide show” flicks were created, which are appearing all over the internet. The “Good Die Young” clip was produced by RYKE Video Productions.

Proof stated how he wanted to be remembered in an interview with Sohh.com shortly after his album release; ‘I want people to say that I was a true artist’, ‘ That I did it best and stayed true to Hip Hop roots’ and ‘I’d want people to understand I did it for the love not for the charts.’

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Create Custom Radio Stations And Stream Music Online For Free

By Ramon Arnella

Internet radio stations have taken the world by storm. The customization features allow listeners to pick the exact genre or artists that they want to hear. If a song airs that a person does not like, then they are able to simply skip it and move on to the next beat. The first of these internet radio stations was Pandora but now there are other websites breaking in with more customizable options and less advertisements. tweewoo.com is one such website.

With this website, listeners can create a custom radio station featuring their top picks of new and aspiring musicians. tweewoo.com is an up and coming source of free music to stream and download. Unlike websites that charge for downloads or offer illegal downloads, this site operates by promoting songs and artists who are offering their music for free. Websites like this are beneficial for both the artist and the listener. With a free profile, listeners can follow their favorite artists so that they can learn about new songs, concerts and albums as soon as they are available. Additionally, each profile allows users to promote their favorite artists or songs to their friends.

tweewoo.com is social networking built on the music platform. It is the top choice for music lovers who want to enjoy free music streaming and customize their own online radio station. With smartphones offering stream applications and most consumers using their phone as a MP3 player, finding ways to stream and download free music is essential. This website focuses on new and emergent artists who are trying to get noticed.


They say that the best artists are discovered through word of mouth. Just last year there was a young girl who recorded several YouTube music videos that went viral earning her tons of attention and a record contract. Displaying music online is the best way to be discovered by listeners. For this reason, many new artists are taking advantage of the programs from tweewoo.com to get discovered. Listeners are able to take advantage of hearing the next great artist first with a free account.

Each account also offers access to videos, concerts and other downloads from the site artists. There are hundreds of available songs and videos to choose from with more being added daily. The customizable radio station option allows listeners to choose the songs or artists that they prefer and create the ultimate ‘ideal radio station’ for their music taste. There are hundreds of songs in all genres to choose from. This means that there is something for everyone, no matter what their taste in music is. With the free account and unlimited downloads and streaming, tweewoo.com is becoming the next go to source for music today. The free MP3 downloads are the biggest draw since consumers spend over 1-billion dollars on music downloads each year. With many of the illegal download sites being shut down, consumers are in need of a legal website to download their favorite music.

About the Author: CEO and founder at tweewoo, an easy to use platform for emerging and independent artists/bands and record labels to promote their music on a network of listeners. tweewoo hosts

free online radio stations

where users can listen to

free music

, build a personalized radio,

download free legal mp3

, discover new artists and browse, share and connect with listeners with same music tastes.



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Wikinews Shorts: September 6, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

President Alvaro Colom says torrential downpours causing flooding and landslides have undone the country’s reconstruction from Tropical Storm Agatha in May. Up to eighteen people are reported killed in rain-related incidents across the country as weather systems in both the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific batter the region, and forecasters expect another 48 hours of precipitation. At least ten people were killed, 20 rescued, when a landslide buried a bus as it traveled on the Inter-American highway in the worst single-incident.

  • “Heavy rains devastate Guatemala” — BBC, September 4, 2010
  • Reuters. “Torrential rains kill 18 in Guatemala” — Toronto Star, September 4, 2010

Five people are dead, 39 injured after a suicide bombing in the Dagestan Republic of the North Caucasus. The information is still unfolding, and earlier reports had three killed, 26 injured. The attack occurred at 00:30 local time (20:30 UTC) when a Zhiguli car packed with explosives drove into the gates of a military base near Buynaksk. AFP reports a second explosion nearby on a nearby highway, but with no injuries.

  • “Death toll in N.Caucasus suicide bombing rises to five (Update 1)” — Ria Novosti, September 5, 2010
  • “5 killed, 39 injured in Dagestan suicide bombing” — AFP, September 5, 2010

The Arizona Cardinals US football team has released Heisman trophy-winner Matt Leinart after being unable to find a favorable trade. Leinart had been unable to break out of the back-up quarterback role with the team after early injuries kept him on the sideline for a couple years, and expressed his frustration publicly on Monday. The Cardinals, forced to trim their team roster to 53 players, cut Leinart leaving him without a team.

  • Bob Baum. “Arizona Cardinals release quarterback Matt Leinart” — Cape Cod Times, September 4, 2010
  • Judy Batista. “Leinart, With Career Full of Disappointment, Is Now Without Team” — New York Times, September 4, 2010

After driving away from police, a thirteen-year-old driver struck a pole, plowed through a couple of fences, and bumped a parked car into the house before coming to a rest at the front door. Police spokesperson Ros Wetherall reported officers attempted to stop the Holden Commodore around 1 a.m. local time (5 p.m. UTC), but had to search for the vehicle which they found crashed into the home on Grovelands Drive, Camillo. The driver and one other youth in the car were uninjured. The young man will appear in court on charges of reckless driving, failing to stop and not having a driver’s licence.

  • AAP. “Boy charged after car meets house” — TheAge.com, September 5, 2010
  • “Car crashes into house: 13-year-old charged” — Australian Broadcasting Corporation, September 5, 2010

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Florida Tourist Attractions: Northwest Florida Gems You Must See

By Greg Schnoor

Santa Rosa County in Florida provides some of the most breathtaking getaway and adventures spots, plus fun activities for visitors of all ages. Here is just a sampling of the Florida tourist attractions in this county that you must add to your trip:

1. Navarre Beach

One of Floridas treasured barrier islands, Navarre Beach is located on Santa Rosa Island and has pristine beaches that are ranked among the top beaches in the country every year. Visitors often compare crossing Navarre Bridge to transcending paradise.

This Florida tourist attraction is surrounded by super clear emerald waters and the beaches feature clean, powdery white sand that squeak under your tours. The Gulf Islands National Seashore between Navarre Beach and Pensacola Beach is an eight-mile stretch of undeveloped shoreline and a magnet for nature lovers.

Navarre Beach offers visitors endless activities to choose from, including beach volleyball, tennis and biking. Water activities include the usual favorites such as surfing, boarding, wakeboarding, jet skiing, sailing, SCUBA diving and snorkeling. Also, the warm Gulf waters are a haven for a wide variety of fish, making the area one of the best for fishing.


2. Blackwater River State Forest

One of the largest forests in the state, this idyllic Florida tourist attraction is named for the Blackwater River, which begins in Alabama and flows through the forest into Blackwater Bay located near Milton in Santa Rosa County.

The forest is a favorite for eco lovers who marvel at the rivers shifting sand bottom streams among the few you will find in the country. The forest is also host to a longleaf pine/wiregrass ecosystem, which, when combine with the Conecuh National Forest in the north and Eglin Air Force Base in the south, make up the largest adjoining ecological community of this type in the world.

Visitors can camp in the forest, go horseback riding, canoe or kayak along the river, and take in the hundreds of different plant and animal species.

3. Golfing

Santa Rosa Countys golf courses are bona fide Florida tourist attractions and favorites with the pros. Theyll soon become your favorites too. Lush, emerald-colored greens overlook mesmerizing blue bays and lakes and provide year-round golf for players at all skill levels.

You can choose from over seven courses conveniently located within the area. Hidden Creek Golf Club in Navarre is an 18-hole championship golf club and has been rated the finest golf facility in Northwest Florida and given 4 stars by Golf Digest.

Tanglewood Golf and Country Club in Milton is an 18-hole regulation length public golf course with picturesque fairways and water features. Theyve teamed up with Stonebrook Golf Club in nearby Pace to provide great golfing at affordable prices.

Tiger Point Golf Club in Gulf Breeze offers golfers one of the most scenic layouts with amazing waterfront views and soaring southern pines. It boasts a recently redesigned Scottish-style East Course, and was voted best course overall in 2007 by the Pensacola News Journal for their Best of the Bay awards.

4. Shopping

No vacation is complete without indulging in a shopping spree or two. Navarre, Gulf Breeze, and Historic Milton in Santa Rosa County, as well as the surrounding area, is home to some of the most versatile shopping youll find anywhere. Theyre sure to have something to please any visitor.

Craft and antique hunters wont be disappointed with the selection available in the area, either. Find the perfect item for your home or souvenirs in any of the many antique and arts and crafts shops in Gulf Breeze, Pace, Milton or Navarre. For a one-stop antique hunt, Annais Antique Mall in Gulf Breeze is a 12,000 square foot area with over 88 antique dealers and is open seven days a week.

A major attraction is Cordova Mall in nearby Pensacola. It is the largest and most upscale shopping mall in the area. It features more than 125 specialty stores with every brand name you can think of. Shopaholics are sure to find favorite department and brand name stores, as well as enticing specialty stores.

About the Author: Ready to plan your Florida vacation? Download your

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US adds 173,000 jobs in August; unemployment rate drops to seven year low

Monday, September 7, 2015

The US economy added 173,000 jobs in August, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday. The unemployment rate fell from 5.3 to 5.1 percent, the lowest since April 2008.

Although August job gains were lower than most economists forecast, job growth numbers for June and July were revised upwards by a combined 44,000. Average job gains over the past three months stand at 221,000, compared to March-May’s 189,000 monthly average. Over the past twelve months, job growth has averaged 247,000 per month.

Average hourly earnings rose 0.3 percent, or 8 cents, marking the largest increase in earnings in seven months. Hourly earnings had risen by 6 cents in July. Wages have risen by 2.2 percent over the past year.

Job growth in August was primarily concentrated in the health care and social assistance, financial activities, and professional and business services sectors. Those three areas of the economy added a combined 108,000 jobs. Food service and drinking places employment increased by 26,000 over the month, and other economic sectors saw employment hold steady. Manufacturing, on the other hand, saw employment decline by 17,000 in August. A stronger dollar and worldwide economic weakness make US exports less desirable, leading to a flattening in manufacturing employment so far this year after steadily rising in the early years of the US economic recovery.

The solid overall job gains led analysts to slightly raise expectations for a decision by the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates this month. Investors raised the likelihood of a September rate increase from 26 percent before the jobs report to 30 percent, and stocks dropped by over one percent on Friday. “The payrolls data is certainly good enough to allow for a Fed rate hike in September,” said Deutsche Bank’s head of currency strategy, Alan Ruskin. “The big question is still whether financial market volatility will scupper the plans.”

“This is the first time the market has looked at a Fed meeting and really has no idea what the Fed is going to do,” said Mark Kepner, a New Jersey equity trader with Themis Trading. “Right now you’re looking at the overall uncertainty and that’s what’s hanging on the market. I don’t think this number in and of itself changes how somebody’s going to vote.”

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