Stop Foreclosure Why You Should Modify Your Home Loan}

Stop Foreclosure – Why You Should Modify Your Home Loan


David Pit

Millions of people potentially face the possibility of foreclosure in the current economic climate. The government assistance plan, called the Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan (HASP), provides funds to help lending institutions assist homeowners with a mortgage modification. Two of the reasons why you should consider modifying your mortgage loan include the inability to refinance at a lower interest rate and the possibility of defaulting on loan payments because of an “exotic” mortgage.


Currently, many homeowners find themselves with a decreased in salary and increased living expenses. With unemployment at historically high levels, some people are facing no income at all. If you find yourself in any of those situations, a lower monthly mortgage payment would likely be helpful. Refinancing at the current interest rates would lower that monthly payment, but banks are unwilling to do that when home values have dropped so significantly. With the HASP, the government provides funds to lending institutions so that they can allow homeowners to refinance at lower interest rates, even when the current value of their home is less than the amount they owe on the mortgage.
Some lenders were giving what the government is calling “exotic” mortgages. Exotic mortgages are not the typical fixed rate, 15- or 30-year mortgages. They include interest only loans, sub-prime loans, and loans with “hidden” fees. Homeowners with these kinds of mortgages are considered at-risk homeowners. Because of the fact that the terms of these mortgages are not affordable and the fact that the home is not able to at current prices, foreclosure is an imminent possibility. HASP provides backing so that a mortgage modification makes the monthly payments more affordable for the homeowner and they can avoid foreclosure.
Most lenders modify home loan without governmental assistance. Although the HASP is intentioned well, there are a lot of rules. Many homeowners are complaining that they are being left out of the program for no good reason.
Lender modification most of the time are better term wise than governmental backed modifications. Lenders usually incorporate a variety of options that will decrease your monthly mortgage payment. That may include lower interest rates, extension of the life of the loan, grace period, elimination of certain fees, or a combination of available options.
Still not all qualify, and all won’t be approved. No one can make the lender nullify or modify your loan. But if you know what to do, you increase your chances significantly. You will need to do research and learn the process in and out.
One helpful resource that many people get is a loan modification all in one kit. One such kit is 60 minute loan modification; it incorporates everything you need to know in one place. The kit includes step by step guide on how to write a hardship letter, important information about all of the major lenders, vocabulary and terms you need to know, and which many people find very useful, recorded conversations between homeowners and lender representative so that you can learn what to say and more importantly what not to say. The kit was created by a real estate professional, who has modified five of his home loans, and numerous loans of his clients. The kit is a must have if you are serous about modifying your loan.

If you want to learn more about home loan modification and 60 minute loan modification visit The website has plenty of free resources that will help you to modify your mortgage. Click Here if you want to save your home from foreclosure.

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Stop Foreclosure – Why You Should Modify Your Home Loan

Landmark Education Cult Programs Enhance Your Personality

Submitted by: Brock Dante

There are many people who strive hard to overcome their difficulties to lead a satisfying life. But they fail to do so. The Landmark education cult programs can alter your life and give it a positive turn. This helpful and effective course has nothing to do with religion or sermons.

Everyone desires to have a fulfilling and rewarding life. However, not all are fortunate to have one. There are many people who strive hard to overcome their difficulties to lead a satisfying life. But they fail to do so. The Landmark education cult programs can alter your life and give it a positive turn. This helpful and effective course has nothing to do with religion or sermons. It is an educational program aimed at enhancing the personality of the participants. These programs are based on time-tested principles that help individuals to build their confidence and self esteem. These courses are not restricted to any gender, age or occupation; therefore people from all walks of life can be a part of these programs. The holistic approach of the courses towards personality development makes them some of the most sought after programs worldwide. With more than 125 centers across the globe, Landmark has earned the reputation of being one of the largest institutions that help people to become more confident and lead a successful life.


Landmark Education cult programs hold greater relevance today, given the fact that the competition has increased in every field. Many companies are not only urging their employees to be a part of these programs but also sponsoring them. From managing a team and articulating your ideas to decision making, everything will seem like a cake walk after you attend their programs. The institution has a team of qualified trainers who are always there to guide you when you face any difficulty. The Landmark forum cult course is meticulously designed to facilitate communication and interaction between the participants. They are provided with an opportunity to share their experiences, opinions and views on varied topics that affect the lives of all on a day to day basis.

There are many individuals who run away from problems instead of dealing with them. Such actions can provide temporary relief, but in the long run it can affect your life a lot. After you attend the popular Landmark education cult brand’s course, you will always be prepared to deal with problems. The sole aim of these programs is to create confident leaders and communicators. These courses will help you to expand your horizon and overcome the obstacles that you have been facing since long. The fact that many well-known personalities have been a part of these programs makes these courses all the more popular.

Landmark education cult brand offers various programs to cater to the needs of different individuals. They conduct special courses for beginners too. Their communication course has gained great recognition in the recent times. You will find many articles and testimonials on the Internet that speak volumes about the importance of the course. The positive testimonials by participants only go to reinstate the belief of people in the Landmark programs. Many renowned newspapers have acknowledged that these courses have fruitful benefits to offer. Enroll in a program now to experience a positive change in your personality.

About the Author: Alessandro Baricco is the author of this article on Landmark Forum Cult. Find more information, about Landmark Forum Cult hereVisit

for more information.


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Get Legal Help From A Construction Accident Attorney In Suffolk County Ny

byAlma Abell

As a construction worker, you do all you can to stay safe on the job. Unfortunately, this line of work is one of the most dangerous and often leads to injuries. If you have become injured in a construction accident, you hold certain rights that cannot be taken from you. It is important you speak with a Construction Accident Attorney in Suffolk County NY, so you can learn about your rights and how a lawyer can help you. In this way, you can protect your rights and pursue the responsible party for your injuries and damages.What Steps Do You Need to Take After a Construction Accident?


When you are injured on the job, you need to first inform your immediate supervisor. Employers are required to carry worker’s compensation insurance, so their employers are protected, should they become injured on the job. By informing your supervisor of your injury, this will start the process of you being able to receive your worker’s compensation benefits. First, you will be required to undergo drug and alcohol testing, to ensure these were not factors in your accident. You will also be required to see the doctor hired by your employer.

Unfortunately, the process for receiving compensation benefits can be confusing. Often, people are denied benefits they deserve. This is why it is important to get help from a Construction Accident Attorney in Suffolk County NY. They are experienced in working with these types of cases and can help you to get the benefits you deserve. In the event you receive a denial on your claim, they can file an appeal through the compensation appeals court, so full evidence can be admitted. This will allow the judge to make the decision in your case.

If you have been injured in a construction accident, contact an attorney right away. You will not be required to pay any fees unless you win your case. Through your attorney’s help, you can make sure your rights are protected, so your main focus can remain on your recovery. For more information.

I Need What Part?

I Need What Part?One of the first things you learn as a homeowner is that you may own your home, but you dont actually live in it full time. You get to spend the rest of your time living in the hardware store or hardware dept of your local retail store. Unfortunately the older the home the more frequent you visit this vast place with aisles and aisles of thingies and who whos, that previously meant little more than, that aisle that my dad use to get all kinds of shiny pipes, connectors, and silver and brass things. A place where he spent many hours, (and you will too), talking about stuff with strange names and even stranger looking objectsd plumbing.For now Im just going to talk about plumbing. The first thing to realize is that older homes have plumbing systems that use galvanized pipe, which will corrode over time, leading to low pressure and leaks, (modern homes use copper and flexible pipe). Also in most modern homes there are usually stop valves, (these are the little turn thingies) under each sink and toilet in the house, the most important one is the main water cut off. KNOW WHERE THIS IS LOCATED!! Or be ready to watch Ole Faithful wash your ceiling.So, as a result of my many Trial by Water episodes of plumbing problems, I thought it time to clarify some of the incorrect definitions of plumbing terms with the correct ones used by the pros, at least, the pros in my local hardware store. These are all terms that I have come across in my attempts (more failures and disasters than success stories) to rectify some problems I have encountered with my 20 year old home. 1) ABS pipe not to be confused with PVC pipe ABS-Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene: It is a rigid black plastic pipe used for drain, waste and vent lines.PVC-Polyvinyl Chloride: It is a rigid white or cream colored plastic pipe used in non-pressure systems, such as drainage, waste and vent systems.2) Aerator: This is not biology. it is NOT part of a womans anatomy. It is a device screwed into the end of a faucet spout that mixes air into flowing water, and controls flow to reduce splashing. 3) Drip Channel:This is not a TV channel for plumbers, or your spouses cousin. A metal channel that is designed to prevent water running down a shower door from dripping onto the floor when the door is opened. 4) Fitting: No, not a dry run of putting all the parts together to see if they fit, also included here to point out another bunch of terms to look-up. Any pipe part used to join together two sections of pipe, such as elbows, couplings, bushings, bends, wyes, etc.5) Flow Rate:Wronghow high the water spouts out of the tap when the handle breaks off and the water is still turned on. Rating in gallons per minute (GPM) or gallons per hour. (GPH)6) Nipple: Again..this is NOT anatomy A short length of pipe installed between couplings or other fittings. 7) O-Ring:Has absolutely nothing to do with a Space Shuttle although they serve a slightly similar purpose.It is a round rubber washer used to create a water tight seal, chiefly around valve stems. 8) Snake; All I could envision here was a real sake put into the toilet to eat anything in its path on the way to the septic tank, then the screams of the next person using the toilet when the snake returns.A long, highly flexible metal wire or coil used for cleaning drains. Also called plumber’s snake. 9) Stillson Wrench:Not a hat that looks like a pipe wrench.It is a large L shaped pipe wrench. It has jaws that are adjustable and will tighten as pressure on the handle is increased. It is also known as a pipe wrench. 10) Teflon Tape: Not a how to video of plumbing projects involving plastics. A fluorocarbon polymer with non-sticking properties used to wrap pipe threads to seal a joint. 11) Yoke: This is not a funny story by a Swedish plumber. Usually a brass casting that holds both the hot and cold valves and the mixing chamber for the water.If you have a plumbing problem and are not sure about how plumbing works, this is not a time to experiment. Take it from personal experience, the disasters you can create are not worth the need to say humph who needs a plumber..I can fix this! Do yourself a BIG favor and consult a plumber. If it is a small job that you can confidently fix yourself I have but one piece of advice to giveshut off the water first!!!!!!!…and that is about it except for these final words that my late father always said:A good flush beats a full house every time.

Who Needs A Security Service?


When the house down the street or the business in the next block is robbed or burglarized, the natural tendency is to worry who might be next. No one is exempt from the risk of being victimized. However, everyone can reduce the risk of being a victim by taking advantage of a security service. Security Guard Kansas City can provide a layer of protection from a variety of losses. The question is not really who needs a security service, it is which type of security service is needed to best protect all types of assets?


Homeowners often leave their residences empty for hours or even days at a time. Empty dwellings provide a great opportunity for burglars to take their time entering the property and selecting items to take that are easily sold. Electronics, jewelry and weapons are prime targets for theft. All can easily be disposed of quickly with little risk to the thief. A home security system, combined with Security Guard Kansas presence, can significantly reduce the risk of being victimized. In addition, modern security providers are now utilizing real-time video to prevent false alarm responses and improve identification and apprehension of anyone actually entering a property.

Business owners can tailor systems to significantly reduce shrinkage from normal business traffic or from employee theft. Loss prevention specialists can monitor the site and alter programs as needed to meet changing needs. Security Guard Kansas City works with business owners to determine the most effective services to fit each business need. In addition, services can be designed to meet the budget of each business. As profit margins continue to shrink for many businesses, loss prevention will become increasingly more important. No business can afford to ignore losses.

As with any service, selection of a provider should not be done haphazardly. It is important to look for security providers with experience, preferably in law enforcement. Providers with a knowledge of law enforcement practices and procedures can generally be expected to provide more effective services. In addition, if there is an incident, that law enforcement experience can result in a higher likelihood of prosecution and conviction. Everyone with a risk of loss must consider using a security service. It is simply some of the best insurance against loss that is available.

Notary Public Get The Facts And Choose The Right Person For Your Business

Notary Public

Although many people have heard of a “Notary Public”, few know of what services they offer. There are some discrepancies as to the limits of the services that a Notary can provide by law. That is why in this brief article I aim to clarify some of this miss information as well as give a detailed description of the legal parameters of a Notary Public.

Let’s begin with the definition of a Notary Public. According to Webster’s online dictionary the definition of a Notary is as follows: “a public officer who attests or certifies writings (as a deed) to make them authentic and takes affidavits, depositions, and protests of negotiable paper.” Now what does all this mean? Well, a Notary is an officer of the court, whom sole objective is to verify the identity of persons whom need to sign legal documentation. In addition to verifying the identity of the signer, a notary, must also make certain that the signer is entering into said document “knowingly” and “willingly”.


How does a Notary verify the identity of the signer? This is very crucial to the notarizing process because the signer must provide the Notary with proper identification and documentation as to their identity. What qualifies as a legitimate document of identification? There are several options that the signer has. The first is the state driver’s license issued to the signer. The license must not be expired to be valid. Another form of identification that is valid is a state issued ID card. If neither of these are available then the signer may use a valid passport or military ID to prove their identity.

Not any document can be notarized. There are certain criteria that allow a document to be notarized. A document must commit the signer in some way; usually this is a contract of some sort. One must also provide an original signature of the signer and a notarial “certificate” which is filled by the notary, sealed and attached to the document.

Having a document notarized does in no way account for the legality or accuracy of the document itself. A Notary is in no way permitted to dispense legal advice and is not responsible for the content of the document which is being notarized. In addition, a notary is prohibited from preparing legal documents or as acting legal counsel unless the notary is also an attorney.

Under certain circumstances a notary may refuse to notarize a document. This is not because of the legality or accuracy of the document but because of the uncertainty of the identity of the signer. A Notary public is an officer of the court and therefore, must not discriminate or refuse to complete a service due to the religion, race, nationality, lifestyle, or sexual orientation. As an officer of the court they must be completely objective in the performance of services that they provide. The main purpose of having a document notarized is to deter fraud. This being the case it is common that many real estate documents or contracts must be notarized. The prices of having documents notarized are set by state law and may vary depending on the state.

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About Author: Sarafina Garrett

The Image (Police Car) I Uploaded On The Clarky.Com Part 3


Check out my Police Car art that I uploaded ontheClarky.comon


I watched a YouTube video tutorial to accomplish this cute drawing. Give it a try! Search something like “How To Draw” on YouTube too and knock your self with all the drawing-possibilities! Don’t forget to upload your art on too appropriately, if you want.

I had a lot of fun in the experience of uploading it. Kindly check too and maybe share your experiences with me. I would gladly appreciate comments regarding your use of my website. I look forward to improving it with your help.

Have a nice day!

How To Assess How Well Your Hotel Is Performing

How to Assess How Well Your Hotel is Performing


Antony Shaw

There are many different techniques that owners and staff use to monitor the quality of service provided at their hotel. Mystery shopping, surveying of the opinions of staff and customers, as well as the feedback from ongoing training sessions, are all invaluable sources of information on how the public perceive the service your hotel is providing. Of course, there are also numerous more subtle ways that you might judge the performance of your staff. These smaller tests can often give you more real-time information than the more formal measures outlined above, but they make it difficult to quantify the issues and information available. In a world of metrics where people increasingly desire to show progress through easily grasped numbers, the more quantifiable measures of success can be invaluable. Here is a brief survey of the main options:

Surveying Hotel Staff and Customers

Before spending the time and effort on undertaking a hotel mystery shopping programme your first port of call should always be to undertake an open, honest and low pressure series of consultations with staff, alongside forms that ask those guests who would like to provide feedback to do so.


Staff Opinions

A tricky area to deal with, it s best to make this as anonymous as possible. While you ll almost certain receive some negative comments from staff they also represent the front line and can give you invaluable feedback about areas where service is falling down about which the directors might be suffering from a blind spot. Staff need to feel that they can be open and honest in this process, so let them know that they won t be identified by the process and that they are contributing positively to the way the hotel is run rather than being spied upon.

Customer Feedback

This is another good way of monitoring the standard of service that your company is providing to guests. By providing a form or an online system for comments and suggestions you can achieve a snapshot of the highs and lows of the service you re providing. However, this method of research often becomes merely a way for less assertive guests with complaints to air their grievances in a non-confrontational manner. On top of this, whether the comments are good or bad, this represents a pretty self-selecting group.

Hotel Mystery Shopping

Once you ve assessed the information from more informal methods of market research, you might well decide that the time is right for a more concentrated and expert assessment of your company. Hotel mystery shopping visits utilise well trained secret shoppers who arrive equipped with a pre-arranged set of assessment parameters and then provide feedback that is collated and analysed to give you a more complete picture of how your organisation is performing.

Antony Shaw, Vice President of Global People Development at IFH Institute for Hospitality Management, is a leading expert in the field of

hotel mystery shopping

. IFH provides high-level quality control for the worldwide hospitality industry through its renowned

hotel mystery shopping


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Some Ways To Distinguish Authentic Nike Sb Sneakers From Counterfeit Ones

Some Ways to Distinguish Authentic Nike SB Sneakers From Counterfeit Ones


fa hong

You may feel surprised to see two types of shoes appear on the screen when you input \”Nike Dunk\” and \”Nike SB\” into the Internet. How to explain this situation? Actually, there are some differences between the two types. for a Nike fan, he or she would easily find the differences. If you like Nike SB, wanting to buy Nike SB shoes, nevertheless, you do not know the ways to get real ones, then this article may be helpful.

Nike SB, in fact, a style under Nike Dunk brand. However, there are many differences between them and the common Nike Dunk shoes. Here SB is an abbreviation of skateboarding. Nike SB shoes are initially created for the young people who like engaging into skateboarding sport. For the general Nike shoes, their friction is not enough to fit the skate board. Thus new shoes have to be introduced by Nike Company to meet this requirement.

The unique design of Nike SB shoes makes it possible to hence the centrifugal force between soles and skate board and ensures the stability of the wearers. Additionally, Nike Dunk SB shoes offer customers many kinds of styles and colors. You may find it hard to get the authentic Nike SB shoes at a good price. Yet there is still a way. That is, find the skateboarding stores, and buy Nike SB shoes here, you would be satisfied with the price. Anyhow, the first thing is to get real Nike SB shoes.


Yet it is a little annoying to go shopping in hot days. A convenient way to get a pair of Nike SB shoes is to buy them through Internet. Before, in authorized retailers, the Nike SB Dunk shoes are sold at no more than $100; while nowadays, more and more people want to buy them, in this situation, the price is higher, about more than $1,000. In this situation, some fake Nike SB Dunks appear, thus you should know some ways to judge whether the Nike SB Dunk shoes that you are going to buy are authentic or not.

First, examine the packing box for the Nike SB Dunks. The first and second series of Nike SB Dunks are put in an orange box, and the third series, a silver box with a green label. An orange label appears together with a silver box or a pink box and a black label is matching with a pink box, a purple box as well as a black one. The box with the color assortment which doesn\’t belong to the above ones show that the Nike SB Dunks are counterfeits.

Then, take out the shoes from the box. You will see a clear plastic bag together with the shoes. This bag is resealable, in addition, inside it; there are spare laces for Nike SB Dunk shoes. The bag for authentic Nike SB Dunks should be 7.5 cm in width and 13.5 cm in height.

The next step is to check the spare laces in the bag. Comparing with the laces of the Nike SB Dunks in the box, if the color is the same with that of the spare ones, then these shoes may be fake.

In order to enjoy yourself into skateboarding, the choice of Nike SB shoes is a key. Thus, sharpen your eyes, and make wise choices.

It is important to get an appropriate

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shoes for you to engage into skateboarding sport. As a result, sharpen your eyes, and make wise

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Why Using Match Services Is Better Than Dating Sites

byAlma Abell

It can be difficult meeting someone who’s compatible with you. Whether you’re short on time, or if you’ve simply had it with the singles scene and hookup culture, using a reliable matchmaking service can be a great boon for your love life. Here are three reasons why using a professional matching service is better than trawling through profiles on dating sites.

1. Potential Matches Are Already Screened

STYLECASTER points out that one of the most attractive parts of using a professional matching service is that you automatically skip the undesirables. In other words, if you’re a woman, you get around men who aren’t commitment-minded or serious. If you’re a man, you don’t have to deal with women who are playing games. Part of this type of service goes above and beyond a dating website, with clientele being extensively screened and evaluated.

2. Moral Support

When you used a dating site, there’s no one there to hold your hand or customer service support. However, when you’re using a professional matching service, you get the full VIP treatment as a client. If you have questions about the compatibility of a match or concerns, there is someone you can talk to and seek advice from. You definitely can’t do that with a dating site.

3. It’s In Their Interests to Help You Succeed

Of course the point of a matching service is to help singles meet the right person, but it’s also in the company’s best interest as well as yours. Word of mouth travels fast, especially in the dating scene. The better the track record of a matchmaking company, the more business they’ll receive. Unlike getting your car fixed, tweaking your love life should only be left to trusted professionals.