Breed Clubs: What Are They And Should You Join?

Submitted by: Carlo Morelli

Breed clubs are national or regional organizations dedicated to specific breeds of dogs. They exist as a repository of knowledge that both the novice and experienced breeder can access. Even if you aren’t a dog breeder, you can benefit from the knowledge that a breed club has to offer. If you are in the market for a particular breed of dog, the members of a breed club can give you insight into the nature of the dog and help you decide if that breed is the right one for you and your family. Investigate the different breed clubs and if one doesn’t feel right, move on to the next.

What to Expect from a Breed Club

A breed club exists to support both the breed of dog to which it is dedicated and the club’s members. The members of a breed club see something special in their chosen breed and want to preserve those qualities that make it unique. Therefore, these like minded individuals band together to set a standard for the breed and to educate and assist other interested dog owners. They also exist to make sure that further generations of the breed adhere to the club’s standards.


Breed clubs also serve as a support system for those who want to show their dogs at national competitions. They can provide information on handling your own dog at shows or lead you to a professional handler that can do the job instead. Participating in dog shows means working with national dog associations, and the breed club can serve as an advocate for the breed in these circumstances as well.

In addition to expecting support from a breed club, the member can also expect that the organization itself will be well-run and that important decisions will always be made with the health, welfare and betterment of the breed in mind. Anyone who wants to join should feel welcome as long as they uphold the ideals of the breed club.

A good breed club will also facilitate interaction among its members and hold activities throughout the year where members can share information about the breed and just enjoy getting together with others who share their interests. The activities should include both the members that show their dogs and those that do not.

What a Breed Club Expects from Its Members

The membership of any breed club has a right to expect certain things from its individual members. For example, every breed club has instituted certain ethical standards in regard to breeding methods and every member must promise to uphold them. Indeed, membership in the most reputable breed clubs almost guarantees the potential dog owner that a specific dog breeder is of the highest quality and that the dog he or she is purchasing was bred according to club standards. The reputation of the breed club is on the line, so any breach of these ethical standards by its membership is taken very seriously. Often, the unethical breeder will either be suspended or barred from the club completely.

A breed club also expects that when you join them, you agree with their philosophies and goals concerning the particular breed and will help them further these ideals by educating others about the breed’s unique nature and special qualities. As a member of a breed club, you will always be expected to act with the best interest of the breed in mind.

Breed Rescue Groups

Just about every breed club is either affiliated with or sponsors a breed rescue organization. These rescue groups are terrific, no matter what breed they focus on. When a purebred dog (suspected or proven) of a particular breed is found in a shelter or on the street, members of the group work to either return the dog to its owner or find it a suitable home with new owners who have experience with and a love for the breed. Rescue groups also foster dogs whose owners can’t continue to care for them. The dog remains in a loving atmosphere until a permanent home is found. So dedicated to the breed are these rescue groups, that members will drive across the country to ensure that the dog is placed in an appropriate home. Many of these cross-country trips are done relay-style, where the dog is transferred from car to car until he reaches his final destination.

About the Author: Carlo Morelli is a contributer to


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How To Train An Aggressive Dog}

How To Train An Aggressive Dog


Gregg HallWhen it comes to aggressiveness in a dog this can be a very serious problem. There are new laws in many areas that state dog’s owner can be charged and the dog put down if the dog bites someone. Of course with some serious dog training our dog can learn to enjoy people not turn on them.

There are many reasons why dogs are or become aggressive. Maybe the dog feels his territory is being compromised, or he feels threatened. A lot of aggression comes from lack of confidence and insecurity. Simple obedience will not solve your dog’s aggressive problems only some serious dog training will do the trick. Aggressiveness doesn’t just mean biting; it means barking and lunging at people as well. This type of behavior needs to be addressed as soon as possible to prevent anything serious from happening to someone or another dog.


Your vet can recommend you how to go about finding someone who can work with aggressive dogs. Training aggressive dogs is a specialty and unfortunately could cost you a fair amount of money, but the end result is well worth it and you don’t have to worry about losing your dog. Most obedience and training schools won’t take aggressive dogs as most of the places run classes with other members and won’t let them be endangered. The best thing you can do is to take him to a proper dog school. Look in your yellow pages for one.

Always check the techniques used by schools on how they train aggressive dogs as training an aggressive dog can be dangerous some places may use out of date methods which could be harmful to your dog, although this isn’t always the case it is always better to be safe than sorry. I wish I could say it was easy to train your dog not to be aggressive but it isn’t.

At the end of the day what counts is that your dog stops attacking and he starts loving. An aggressive dog can bridle the relationship that you have with him therefore you and your dog aren’t having the best time together as you are always worried about him biting you, other people or other dogs. I recommend that you do what it takes to get the problem handled!

Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16 year old son. For more on

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